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Sustainable Living

Planting a Bee Friendly Garden



Love Food? Love Seeds!

Cool.org Curriculum Resources


The Australian Curriculum aligned “Love Food? Love Bees!” units explore the importance of bees to enable students to take real and bee-friendly action in their community.

Love Food? Love Seeds! Early Learning is designed to help connect children to the wonders of the natural world through sensory and play-based learning.

Love Food? Love Bees! Years 5 & 6 supports students to inquire into the role of bees in the ecosystem and what makes them flourish as pollinators. 

Love Food? Love Bees! Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture Years 9 & 10 supports students to inquire into the relationships between agriculture, food security and bees. Students develop an understanding of bees and how their role as pollinators is pivotal to human food production.

Click below for Curriculum Resources


Cool.org Curriculum Resources

Our Digital Libraries

You will find video clips, documentaries, images, articles, stories and news for each major topic. These are all designed to entertain and inform at every turn.

The toolbox is divided into Early Learning, Primary and Secondary levels and is brilliant for projects, research and further learning. 

And best of all it’s ALL FREE!!. If you have any cool information for us to include please let us know. We love your ideas.


Useful links & Resources

Planning Pollinator Corridors

The Planning for Pollinators in Urban Design Conference showed how pollinator planting is being done
at the Ginninderry Community Development in West Belconnen, Australian Capital Territory.



The Bees, Butterflies, Birds Conference held at the Australian National Botanic Gardens in Canberra shares on maximising biodiversity by supporting pollinators.

Australian Native Bees

Australia has around 2,000 species of native bees, important pollinators of Australian native vegetation and also crops.

The vast majority of Australia’s native bees are solitary species that build individual nests and don’t live in a large colony like the European honeybees.

A female mates with a male early in her life and then goes to create a burrow or find a small cavity or stem to lay her eggs that will develop into larvae and mature into bees. The survival of the species is dependent on the availability of suitable sites for nests and available food (flowers) for food.

Many native bees have a foraging distance of up to 500 metres, compared to a honeybees that can fly 10 kms.

Find out more about the amazing diversity of Australian native bees by visiting these websites: 

Aussie Bee

Bees Business

Planting & Creating Habitat to Attract Bees

Investigating native bees - Year 5 & 6 curriculum-aligned units

Native Bees of the ACT and NSW

DIY Projects

The Pollinator Link® project aims to bring wildlife back to our urban by providing Water, Food and Shelter for birds, butterflies and bees. Your free garden registration will support our work with local councils as well as helping us influence plant nurseries to stock local native species.

Pollinator Link® is a non-profit initiative of Mt Gravatt Environment Group.

Learn about

beekeeping, resources & more

Did you know

Most of the bees in a hive are females and there can be up to 50,000 bees in a hive!

There is 1 Queen bee and a few hundred males called drones

Honeybees must visit some 2 million flowers to make 500 gms of honey

Honey bees fly around 88,000 kms to bring in enough nectar to make 500 gms of honey

Each bee makes about 1/12 of teaspoon of honey in her lifetime

Honey has natural preservatives and bacteria can’t grow in it

Honey was found in the tombs of Egypt and is still edible

Bees have been around for about 300 million years

A honeybee can fly 24 km at a speed of 20 km per hour

Its wings beat 200 times per sec or 12,000 beats per minute

Honey comes with different flavours and colours depending on what flowers the bees collected nectar from