August 1, 2017

Native Bee and Pollinator Workshop

A fascinating day with Megan Halcroft learning about the importance of pollinators, plant and bee co-evolution, the role of honeybees in food security, the pollinator crisis  (not just […]
March 5, 2017

Little bees worked hard for the apple trees.

We had small bees working diligently to pollinate the Pink Lady and Granny Smith apple trees at the ACT Beekeepers Field Day yesterday. It was wonderful […]
February 8, 2017

‘Bee Inspired’ menu at Beechworth Honey

We recently visited Beechworth Honey  and discovered  a wonderful range of educational resources about how vital bees are for food security. 2/3 of Australian agricultural production […]
September 30, 2016

ACT for Bees@ Living Green Festival Sunday 2nd October 2016

  Helen from ACT for Bees will be talking about creating Pollinator Friendly Gardens at 2.30 pm. Come along and hear about the beautiful flowers you […]
August 10, 2016

No Bees in Darwin!!!

Adrian Iodice from Beekeeping Naturally has recently been up the ‘top End’ of Australia and returned with distressing news….no bees in Darwin or Katherine! “I was […]
June 20, 2016

The Gigantic Hive at Kew Gardens

    The Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew has an extraordinary 17 metre high Hive Installation of sound and light which is controlled by vibrations of […]