Upcoming Events and Workshops

World Bee Day Celebrations
Go to the World Bee Day Australia website to find events near you!
On World Bee Day our ‘ACT for Bees’ group visits markets, Festivals & Sustainability Conferences with activities for children ‘Be a Bee and Pollinate the apple trees!’ teaching about the importance of bees for pollination of our food and ways to be ‘Bee Friendly’.
ACT for Bees was involved in BIG celebrations of pollinators at Parliament House and at the Swedish Embassy in 2018 & 2019. The Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Canberra, The Embassy of Sweden, The Embassy of Switzerland, and other Nordic Embassies including Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Estonia, Parliament House, Canberra Region Beekeepers, Capital Region Farmers Market, Hall Rotary, Australian National Botanic Gardens and Bush Blitz, Wheen Bee Foundation, Australian Honey Bee Industry Association, Rotary for Bees, Pure Pod, CSIRO, IKEA and Bunnings.

Australian Pollinator Week
11-19 November, 2023 is Australian Pollinator Week
Australian Pollinator Week acknowledges our important and unique insect pollinators during our southern spring. It is a designated week when community, business and organisations can come together to raise awareness fo the important pollinators and support their needs. Find events near you, join in the Wild Pollinator Count or create an event!

Australian Wild
Pollinator Count
The Wild Pollinator Count gives you an opportunity to contribute to wild pollinator insect conservation in Australia.
We invite you to count wild pollinators in your local environment and help us build a database on wild pollinator activity. You can join in by watching any flowering plant for just ten minutes sometime in our count week. Find out how to count pollinators, identify the insects you see and submit your observations through the links at the top of the page.

Bee Friendly Hall Village
Hall Village, the first ‘Bee Friendly Village’ in Australia, has created a ‘Bee Friendly Community’ Charter.
Launched in 2019, the Village of Hall )ACT) became Australia’s first ‘Bee Friendly’ village. With ACT for Bees' assistance, a “Bee Friendly Community Charter” with the aim of promoting the health of bees and other pollinators in our area as well as setting an example that might be emulated by other communities.

Ginninderry ‘Bee and Pollinator Friendly’ land development
West Belconnen - ACT
ACT for Bees + Other Pollinators have been collaborating with Ginninderry , a Green star sustainable development for ‘pollinator corridors’ with planting for year round flowering with the 2nd stage, Macnamara planned with extensive plantings for native bees in 200 metre grids based on the ACT Government’s ‘Plant Species for Urban Landscape Projects’,
Ginninderry stretches from the north western suburbs of Canberra (Holt and Macgregor) across the ACT/NSW border into a part of the Yass Valley. It is bounded on two sides by the Murrumbidgee River and Ginninderra Creek which are important regions for biodiversity. The West Belconnen/ Parkwood land constitutes a total area of around 1600 hectares. However, only around half of this or 800 hectares will be developed. The remaining 800 hectares will be an open space network created by a 577 hectare conservation corridor along the Murrumbidgee River and Ginninderra Creek. The size of the conservation corridor and the planting for pollinators is what makes this project particularly exciting.

Bees are like oxygen: ubiquitous, essential, and, for the most part, unseen
but they lie at the heart of relationships that bind the human and the natural worlds.
Help keep the Global Hive alive
A community arts project begun by Julie Armstrong in 2016 to raise awareness about the importance of bees for pollination of our most nutritious food. This led to the collaboration with Cool Australia curriculum writers and the ‘Love Food? Love Bees!’ curriculums which have been so successful. By December 2022 >750,000 students had learnt about bees, pollination and food and how to take action to protect bees and pollinators. Please join us by sharing the curriculum resources and planting for pollinators for year-round flowering.
Please join us by sharring the Curriculum Resources
and Planting for Pollinators for Year-Round Flowering
Bee Art Movements
A range of projects around the world where people are using the arts to draw attention to the plight of bees and pollinators.
Bee Curriculums For Classrooms
We have partnered with ‘ Learn for Life‘ to create an exciting ‘Love Food? Love Bees!‘ curriculums for Early Childhood, years 5/6 and High School as well. They can be downloaded from the website and taken straight into the classroom & also practically outside in the garden! We love the way curriculums are easy to use, focussed on sustainability and empower students to take action for the good of the world. Check out these curriculum materials through our website.
Since August 2016, >700 000 students Australia wide have participated in the 'Love Food? Love Bees!' program from