Pollinator Corridors
Pollinator corridors are plantings designed for year-round flowering for a wide range of pollinators including native bees, butterflies and moths and birds.
Native bees only have a foraging distance of 500 metres, so providing year-round flowering
(particularly December – April) is important in Summer when there are peak populations seeking a bee banquet of flowers!
Ginninderry Conference
ACT for Bees has been collaborating with Ginninderry development in West Belconnen to integrate pollinator corridors into the initial planning of the development and we’re very excited to have the support from the ACT Government for this proposal which will support local biodiversity as well.
We’ve held a very successful event in April 2021 which attracted a broad range of people from Urban Design, Landscape Architecture, Planning and Development Industries – both private and government sectors
The event was focused on increasing awareness of the importance of planting for urban sustainability, biodiversity and local food production and the opportunities and challenges faced through the process!

Planting for
Julie Armstrong - Founder
ACT for Bees & Other Pollinators
An overview of the issues for pollinators and what we can all do to support their health in Australian urban environments.

Biodiversity needs bees
Cormac Farrell
Environmental Scientist

Planning Pollinator Corridors
Matthew Frawley
Landscape Manager

Plants & Landscaping
Karin Kemp & Olivia Ward
Karin Kemp of Redbox Design Group Landscape Architects outlines the details of how they planned for planting for year-round flowering for native bees at Ginninderry. Olivia shows a beautifully designed native bee hotel and pollinator garden at Kingston shops ACT.

Urban Planting Calendar
Rachael Dawes

Urban Forest Strategy 2021
Stephen Alegria

Heat mapping project
Cameron Pensini & Christine Ramplin

Community support
Julie Armstrong
Australian National Botanic Gardens Conference
Maximising Biodiversity by Supporting Pollinators
ACT for Bees and Landcare ACT held this event in 22nd February 2020 after a very intense Summer of widespread fires that destroyed an estimated 10 million hectares (100,000 sq kms) of land, 28 people have died and over a billion animals are estimated to have been killed. The actual loss of insects was not estimated. Pollinators are critical to maintaining the natural pollination process for seed production and renewal of our landscape and there are disturbing reports from world wide about their loss.
There has been significant impact of fires and drought across Australia on widespread communities and the natural environment. Many native forests have been burnt that are vital for the health and well being of native bees, European Honey bees and pollinators of many species that are crucial for biodiversity and healthy ecosystems.
It is now even more important for us to plant for and maintain our urban gardens and parklands to protect our bees, butterflies, birds and local wildlife.

How to create urban refuges
Michael Fox

Planting & saving seeds
Arian McVeigh

Nature in the city
Janine Baines - Horticulturist

Pollinator Policies
Caroline Le Couteur
ACT Government MLA

Importance of planting trees
Ms Nicole Lawder
ACT Governemt MLA

City living for pollinators
Cormac Farrell
Environmental Scientist

Climate variability
Prof. Saul Cunningham - Researcher

Plant species for urban landscapes
Rachel Dawes